About the Guest Studio
The Guest Studio at Vestfossen Kunstlaboratoriet is a resource that is offered to professional artists who wish to work for a prolonged period at Vestfossen. The studio is part of Arena Vestfossen, a studio collective in the old paper mill that also houses VKL. One of the purposes of the Guest Studio is to contribute to an exchange of artistic ideas among both Norwegian and foreign artists.
The Guest Studio is constantly evolving. Initially, it was used by a series of artists who were either working on their independent projects or on commissions for the season’s exhibitions at VKL. Artists from Italy, Singapore, and Africa worked in the Guest Studio in 2018 and 2019 while they prepared site-specific art for the main exhibitions.
Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium received Kunstgaven (The Art Gift) of Sparebankstiftelsen DNB for the years 2018 to 2020. The award made possible the renovation of the Guest Studio, the purchase of several works, and art residencies in the Guest Studio. The project also culminated in the exhibition To You in 2021. It is the intention of VKL to continue offering residencies to active artists who wish to work for a period as part of our art community.
We are grateful to Sparebankstiftelsen DNB for Kunstgaven which made possible these developments of the Guest Studio.
For the time being, residency of the Guest Studio is by invitation only.